Recording.You need to record the music you make. Not because you'll make money by releasing it. You won't. You record because it's part of the process of getting better, of finding how you really sound. I've been blinded with love for my riff, it's not until I listen to the playback that I realize that it was all wrong. I wasn't listening to the rest of the band. And since you are going to record your music, you might as well make it sound the best, and you might as well do it yourself. Unless you have a sweet record deal, you're recording this on the laptop you already have, potentially using a free program like Audacity, using mostly SM58's. Are you really going to pay someone else to fiddle with your music? Don't get me wrong, you probably should, but then you wouldn't learn how it's done. Record yourself to get better at playing. Mix yourself to get better at recording. Click here for a guide to EQing every common instrument. History.I fucking love Arthur Erickson and just about everything he's done. His home is a national treasure, and if it's not saved for future generations to see, then Vancouver deserves the shitty glass condos. All of the shitty glass condos. TrackCar Seat Headrest is a curious band, and I like them. You should probalby take a listen, if only because you may not have heard a single new thing in a long time. Which probably makes me sound like that annoying know-it-all-guy at the party parked at the stereo imploring - no demanding - that you concede that Pod is a better album than Last Splash*. But it's not true. If not for this blog I would probably never have the motivation to find a new peice of music, which is also why I have this blog. I'm just saying that it's easy to put on the same old records, and I know this, because I'm guilty of it like everyone else. Of all the things to do when you finally get off your lazy ass, this is what I did. I found something kind of neat. That's all. Fun fact: these guys are playing in Vancouver, BC Sunday January 24, 2016 at the Colbalt.
*Pod is totally better than Last Splash.
3 Things to think about. Past Issues
January 2016